Barely South Review
Barely South Review is the literary journal of the Creative Writing program at Old Dominion University dedicated to publishing innovative prose, poetry, and art from both emerging and established writers and artists. Our name refers to our home – the coastal Tidewater region of southeastern Virginia and its unique blend of diverse cultures and histories. We feel there is great complexity in any creative assertion of “here”, and it is in this spirit that Barely South Review features voices that defy easy regional, thematic, and stylistic categorizations. We seek great writing in its myriad forms. Cross boundaries, surprise us. Explore recent and past issues |
The 42nd Annual Literary Festival
took place October 6 – 10, 2019.
Each Fall since 1978, Hampton Roads and University calendars remind us that for about a week, our area becomes home to nationally and internationally renowned writers ...

Visit the Annual Literary Festival website to learn more. |